Managing Your Expectations is the Only Way to Succeed

Chamara Lee
2 min readJan 21, 2021

Two ideas struck me during a conversation with a friend yesterday.

1. Time Anxiety is much more common than I thought

Time Anxiety is the fear that our present actions will lead to wasted effort.

That what we’re doing isn’t meaningful or impactful enough. Or that there must be a better, more ‘perfect’ method. This is just one example of the kind of procrastination that blocks action leading to even more guilt and frustration.

2. Having wrestled with it for six months I realised I could help him

I’ve learned from the difficult, frustrating growth that my own expectations are the biggest issue in triggering my Time Anxiety.

Managing expectations, both our own and those of our significant others is key to our happiness and success. They’re often too high, too unrealistic, too demanding. They embody goals meant to catch up lost time. Trying to be the hare instead of the tortoise.

The Solution is Quite Simple:

In fact simplicity is the key. Do daily meaningful work, if not in your job then in your side hustles. Meaningful is define from your perspective not what others might want.

Share your work. It must leave your hands and your comfort zone. Don’t focus on the ‘likes’, sharing is for accountability.

To make this possible, drop your expectations. Focus on a manageable tiny piece the has meaning, but is doable in a single day. Daily practice leads to skill growth that enlarges this tiny piece quicker than you will believe when starting out.

Sacrifice entertainment, ensure you create more than you consume. There are limited hours in the day, distractions have to be cut.

Reciprocity and compromise are also needed when there are two artists in the house.

Lastly, done is better than perfect. Get it done, get it out. Try again.

